Thursday, June 9, 2011

Insurance!!!! Grrrrr!!!!!

Well, we had our yearly renewal insurance meeting at work today, for dental, health, and life.  Sticker Shock!  My insurance will be raising $140.00 per month.  It is kind of  hard to swallow.  I was feeling underpaid already and this is just plain insanity.  Why does health insurance have to be so high?  I will be going to paying $710.00/month to $ 850.00./month. Ouch.  If I had children on my policy it would be $1500.00/month.


The Lees said...

that is ridiculous

Dulcege said...

You should look into going through some other insurance company. I hope you get paid a lot because all that insurance prices are crazy...

kelly said...

for paying that much you might as well quit your job, work your own business and self insure. Sounds about the same price but the hours, flexibility and working for self may be lots better. just a thought...