Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Well, it looks like I will be home for the week.  Darn this asthma.  I have to take my neb 3 times a day and extend the prednisone.  I trying to think of it as a vacation, but today I was so tired.  Went on a little trip to the store, felt so good to get out.  Plan on making zucchini bread and banana bread tomorrow.  It is something I can do that does not take a lot of work.  Good news though, I have been working on the bathroom and slowly it is looking good.  The walls are painted, it's a start.  I give my self 20 minutes of work and then I read.  I hope to post before and after pictures when I am done. So far, it looks very good.


Diane said...

Sorry you're having trouble again. I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures.

The Lees said...

Don't push yourself too hard. Recoop so you can return to normal life.